Funding Sources for Graduate Students

The School of Architecture and the UNC Charlotte Graduate School aim to support as many of our graduate students as possible through a combination of research and teaching assistantships, tuition assistance, stipends, and scholarships. Currently about 40% of our graduate students receive some kind of support from the School of Architecture

There are a number of merit-based awards that all accepted applicants are assessed for during the admission process. No separate application is necessary. These are awarded to the most promising new graduate students. For MArch applicants with a design background, awards are based on prior academic and professional experience as well as skills and achievements in architecture. For MArch applicants with non-design backgrounds, awards are based on academic achievement and promise.

Tuition Awards

  • Graduate Assistant Support Plan (GASP): These awards are for resident and non-resident students covering tuition for the duration of their academic program (fees and increments not included). These awards are for resident and non-resident students and provide support for two or three years of tuition during the regular academic year. Each award also includes a yearly stipend. In past years this amount has been $18,500 involving research work with a faculty member or within one of the School of Architecture’s research labs - Digital Arts (DArts), City Building Lab (CBL), Integrated Design Research Lab (IDRL), and the designLAB. This award also includes health insurance.

  • Graduate School Merit Tuition Awards: These awards are for both resident and non-resident applicants. The award includes resident tuition and a research assistant stipend up to $14,000 per year. This award also includes health insurance.

  • Graduate School Tuition Grant: These grants vary in amount and are based on unmet financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. To be considered for this award, prospective or continuing students must fill out a FAFSA. The School of Architecture does not administer or control these grants, which are distributed directly from the Graduate School.


  • Research Assistantships: A number of limited research assistant stipends are also offered to continuing students without an accompanying tuition award. These awards are valued up to $7000 per year and involve work in one of the School's research labs.

  • Teaching Assistantships: Stipends for teaching assistantships are available for qualified masters students. The amount varies according to departmental needs for teaching but are typically $1000 to $1700 per semester. Assignments include: class administrative duties, mentoring and grading undergraduate students, and laboratory assistance.


  • School of Architecture Scholarships: There are also endowed School of Architecture scholarships that any matriculated student may apply for in the fall semesters of their academic careers. These competitive awards range from $1000 to $2500 and are applied to spring tuition. For more information, see the list of SoA Scholarship Opportunities and the SoA Scholarships FAQs.

Other funding sources