Dual Master of Science in Architecture / Master of Science in Computer Science or Information Technology

Students are admitted to this program upon recommendation of a joint admissions committee of faculty from Architecture, Computer Science and SIS.   Admitted students are expected to complete all coursework outlined above to receive both degrees.  Upon successful completion of all requirements, students will receive the Master of Architecture III degree and the Master of Computer Science or Master of Information Technology degree.  Please contact Associate Professor Jefferson Ellinger for additional information.
Research Assistantships and other forms of financial support for students are available. The admissions committee will recommend eligibility for financial support.
Admission to the dual degree program requires either a degree in architecture or a related design discipline or an undergraduate degree in computer science, information technology or a related discipline.
Students admitted to the program will have the option to work toward the Master of Computer Science or the Master of Information Technology degrees. More information about these degrees can be found on the web sites for Computer Science and SIS. Applicants can contact the chair of the admissions committee directly for more information about satisfying the computing admissions requirements.
Students without an undergraduate degree in a computing-related discipline must meet the following admission requirements:
Information Technology option:
Students admitted to the IT option must have one of the following:
  1. A summer programming course (boot camp) offered by CCI, or
  2. An introductory programming course as part of a Bachelor's degree, or
  3. A certificate in a programming course offered online that is approved by the admissions committee for the dual degree program.
Computer Science option:
Students are expected to have knowledge of two higher programming languages, data structures, operating systems or computer architecture, and an additional upper-level computing course. Also, knowledge of calculus, discrete mathematics, and linear algebra is strongly recommended. Work experience at a professional level in the computer industry or satisfactory completion of the Advanced GRE in Computer Science may be substituted for some or all of the subject area admission requirements, subject to review by the joint admissions committee.
Note: Other programs within the School of Architecture are accredited through the National Architectural Accrediting Board, but the Master of Architecture III degree program, because of its research focus, is not an accredited program that can lead to licensure as a registered architect.