Master of Architecture Advanced Standing

Program Overview

The Master of Architecture Advanced Standing (MArch AS) track is a NAAB-accredited professional degree designed for students who have already completed a four-year undergraduate BA in Architecture from UNC-Charlotte. Students who meet Graduate School admissions criteria and who qualify for recommended automatic admission to the Master of Architecture may receive Advanced Standing in the program.


Candidates for the Master of Architecture AS track pursue a 12 month (summer, fall, spring) professional curriculum that leads to the accredited architectural degree. This 40 credit hour curriculum includes options for summer study abroad or campus-based design investigations, and a fall and spring term in which students complete a comprehensive architectural design project, a research-driven graduate diploma studio along with courses in architectural research, professional practice, and additional architectural electives.

More information on the Master of Architecture AS program can be found here.

Admissions and Prerequisites

For detailed information about the admissions requirements and process, please visit the SoA Graduate Admissions web page.

UNC Charlotte's Graduate School admissions requirements for all students include:

  • minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0: UNC Charlotte applicants with a B. Arts in Architecture with an in-major GPA of 3.25 or more (and a minimum architecture major GPA of 3.0) may be recommended for automatic admission
  • the GRE is optional if an applicant's B.A. or B.S. cumulative GPA is 3.25 or above
  • minimum internet-based TOEFL score of 83 or minimum IETLS overall band score of 6.5 (for international applicants)

Students applying to the MArch AS track are expected to have already acquired the fundamentals of visual and spatial design, problem solving, conceptualization and introductory coursework in architectural history and theory, building technology, and visual skills. Expected entry-level competencies for MArch AS candidates must include the following UNC-Charlotte School of Architecture coursework:

  • Eight semesters of architectural design studios
  • Three semesters of architectural history and one history/theory elective
  • Four semesters of building technology courses equivalent to the following School of Architecture courses (ARCH 5301: Material and Assembly Principles, ARCH 5302: Environmental Systems Principles, ARCH 5303: Structural Principles, and ARCH 5304: Structural Systems). Overviews of these courses can be found on the SoA Graduate Courses web page

To ensure that incoming students are evaluated appropriately, the School of Architecture requires that applicants to the MArch AS track provide the required application materials. If applicants accepted to the MArch AS track are found deficient in entry-level competencies, they may be able to apply and enroll in MArch II track to complete their professional degree.  

If a student is interested in pursuing a dual master's degree in architecture and another degree, a proposal must be submitted by the student to the Graduate Coordinators of both programs within the first semester of enrollment for review. Acceptance into the Master of Architecture program at UNC Charlotte does not guarantee admittance to the other graduate programs within the university.