International Exchange

Another option open to students interested in studying abroad is participation in an International Exchange.  International Exchanges offer students the opportunity to study at a University with which UNC Charlotte has an existing relationship for one or two semesters during the regular academic year.  Students that participate in an International Exchange generally travel during their fourth year of study at the SoA.  The application process for the International Exchange program is competitive.

UNC Charlotte has existing relationships with the architecture programs at the following universities:

Delft University of Technology (Delft, Netherlands)
Henry van de Velde Institute (Antwerp, Belgium)
Kingston University (London, England)
Lund Institute of Technology (Lunds, Sweden)
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Tongji University (Shanghai, China)
University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
University of Applied Science (Aachen, Germany)

Participating students meet with their home academic advisor prior to their trip in order to develop of plan of study and choose the classes they will take at the host university before they travel.  UNC Charlotte’s Office of International Programs manages the transfer of credit hours for participating students upon their return to UNC Charlotte.  Approval for the transfer of credit hours must be determined before the student travels to the host institution.

Participating students pay regular UNC Charlotte tuition and fees.  They arrange their own travel to the host country and make their own housing and board arrangements once they have arrived to their host country. 

For more information and to apply to the International Exchange program visit the Office of Education Abroad, a division of the Office of International Programs.