Traveling Fellowship/Scholarships

The School of Architecture supports student research abroad through the Traveling Fellowship Program and several other travel scholarships. 

The AIAC/School of Architecture Traveling Fellowship

The Traveling Fellowship Program is hosted and funded in conjunction with the Charlotte Section of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIAC).  The purpose of the program is to recognize and reward excellence in the study of architectural design and to provide the opportunity for travel and exploration in the continuation of that study.

The Traveling Fellowship in the amount of $5,000.00 is awarded to a UNC Charlotte SoA student for travel and study in or out of the continental USA the summer following the award.  All UNC Charlotte SoA students who meet the minimum eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this opportunity to conduct research abroad.

Interested students must develop a research/study proposal which they submit to Greg Snyder, Chair of the Traveling Fellowship Committee, at the beginning of the Spring semester.  After reviewing all proposals, proposal reviewers will select three to four proposals to be presented before the Committee.  The Committee decides to whom they award the Fellowship at the completion of the selection process.

Applications for the following year's Traveling Fellowship will be due in January. For more information, please contact Greg Snyder, Chair of the Traveling Fellowship Committee.

You may download the full instructions, requirements, and application here.

SoA Travel Scholarships

The School of Architecture provides funding, at the Director’s discretion, for student travel through the following programs:

Director’s Graduate Research Award: Awarded to support student participation in academic conferences.  The student must have a paper accepted for presentation.  Award amount according to conference costs.  Interested students must submit a projected budget as well as the acceptance/invitation letter from the conference with their request for funding.  Requests should be sent directly to Director Chris Jarrett at
Graduate Travel Scholarship: Awarded to support student participation in travel related to graduate coursework.  Student funding for this scholarship is requested by the faculty member arranging travel.  Award amount varies according to the travel program.
Tongji University Semester Exchange Travel Scholarship: Awarded students participating in a semester-long exchange program with Tongji University (arranged through the Office of Education Abroad).  Interested students should submit a request for funding directly to Director Chris Jarrett at Award amount varies, but is generally between $1500 and $2000.
Tongji Summer Program Travel Scholarship: Awarded to students participating in Tongji’s summer workshop.  Interested students should submit a request for funding directly to Director Chris Jarrett at The standard award amount is $500.

Office of Education Abroad

The UNC Charlotte Office of Education Abroad offers several travel scholarships to UNC Charlotte students who wish to study abroad.  They award scholarships once per year to applied toward travel during the following academic year; funds awarded during the 2012-2013 academic year will be applied to travel during the 2013-2014 academic year.  The application process opens toward the end of the fall semester and closes in February.  For more information, please visit the OEA’s website.